La Habra Historical Museum​​
"Embrace History"

Welcome to Our Museum!

There is always something different to see at our museum. We have permanent exhibits, but do they really stay the same? As time allows, our volunteers might put an additional artifact or two into a showcase that you may have not seen before or maybe another video has been added in our theatre. We are a historical museum so we try to keep adding to the history we present to you. If you have visited us once, or even twice, come back and see us again. You'll be surprised!
Exhibits: Present and Past
Our Museum ​
Hours: Saturday 12 - 4:00 p.m.
Address: 215 E. La Habra Blvd.
La Habra, CA 90631
We're near the library-Look for
the windmill.
Telephone: 562.691.0258​​
No Admission Charge
Docent Led tours upon request
Research Center may be accessed by appointment. Please contact the museum.
​Volunteer Opportunities
​New for 2013:
School Tours by appointment
Special Tours for groups of 5 or more
Citrus Fair and Corn Festival

La Habra's annual Citrus Fair is April 18-21, 2013. Our exhibit, Those Fabulous Fruits, opens on April 13 and reflects the rich agricultural heritage enjoyed by early settlers. Then in August, La Habra celebrates the annual Corn Festival. Was corn a major crop in La Habra? Why a festival? Make sure to visit the air conditioned museum and find the answers to these questions and more.
Defenders of Our Freedom
​​Did you miss the Defenders of Our Freedom or any other past exhibits? If so, please visit our "past exhibits" section and take a look at our pictures. And please feel free to share our pictures and tell your friends and family.​